Our Portfolio

Landfill Acquisitions or Developments

GEK Landfill

Status: 2000
Location: Ft. Payne, AL

We acquired this landfill in 1999 and sold it a year later to Allied Waste in a three way swap with Waste Industries wherein Waste Industries gained the Sampson County Landfill in NC.

Casella Waste Systems Landfills

Status: sold to Casella, 1994
Locations: New Hampshire and Vermont

Laural worked with Casella Waste to buy its first two landfills in New Hampshire and Vermont and ultimately swapped our interest for shares of Casella prior to its public offering.

Cougar Landfill

Status: 1995
Location: Houston, TX

Just 11 miles from downtown Houston, we permitted and constructed a construction and demolition landfill and sold it prior to opening to a predecessor of Waste Management